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Building a Dream You Didn't Design


Building a Dream You Didn't Design

Anyone can build something that they have thought of.  Why… because you have the blue prints in your head.  The real trick is relaying those thoughts to others.  But that’s not the angle I want to take in this blog.  Let’s look at the angle of you building someone else’s dream.  

Admit it, you just got a little selfish.  You probably thought something like… “what about my dreams?” or “I have good idea’s too”.  And I’m sure you do, so do I.  However, for the past 9 years my task and pleasure has been to help build a dream that my Dad was given.  BRIEF BACKGROUND::  My dad (aka - Pastor, Boss, Friend…) several years ago started a church in south Shreveport; get this, in an abandoned theme park.  Yep!  And he did.  Since then we’ve been trying to do church in a non churchy way.  I mean come on it’s a theme park.  He has a dream to be more than just a church on Sunday, but for our property, people, and actions to be the church 24/7.  But more on this history some other time.  

To get into the steps of how to build someone else’s dream we need to first know why; why build someone else’s dream.  I remember an old school example that I think explains the why.  If one horse can pull, let’s just say 1000 pounds and another horse can pull the same weight, then if we hitch them together they should be able to pull 2000. However, somehow they can actually pull even more.  Ecclesiasties 4:9 basically says that two are better than one.

To build someone else’s dream your goal is to see it take shape and come to life.  Here are three easy steps to accomplishing this.  

     1. Your first task is to make his/her vision your vision.  (if you can’t do this you are destined to fail)
     2. Find where the visionary’s weaknesses and your strengths overlap.
          -This may require you to dig deep into yourself to discover hidden gifts.  This doesn’t mean that you can’t 
           use other strengths that you may have, but it does mean that there may be a better way to use your time 
           and efforts.  If I use my time to just dream all day instead of making my leaders dreams come to life, then
           nothing is accomplished.  Someone has to do the dream.
     3. Be an echo.
          -We live in a world where everyone want’s their own voice.  Yet something heard from multiple sources 
           gains credibility, respect, and momentum.  Our job as dream builders is to echo what our leaders say, 
           and make it our own.  Only then can we make a giant wave in a pond full of tiny ripples.  

It takes a special person to build a dream you didn’t design, but the results speak for themselves.  And look around you… you’ll notice your dreams now have been infused into the design of the original dreamer.  You are making an impact. 
