In her bright little face I see hope. A hope God placed within her to remind me that He never leaves & never forsakes. In times of doubt and sorrow, her smile helps me embrace my now and not be anxious for tomorrow. Her laughter brings me so much joy in my sadness. I have been called to love our one and only child (for now) so fiercely. A lovely testament to the truth that His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
Miscarriage just really stinks to put it plainly. It's heartbreaking, confusing, and a little bit twisted that society tells us it's the one loss we should avoid talking about because it makes people uncomfortable. We should know having been through it twice. This is a lie from Satan. Grief is an unavoidable & natural part of God's healing process, but SILENT grief is a choice. After 3 weeks of keeping mostly quiet about it this time around & praying about how public we should make sad news, we are choosing to believe we are made overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. If you've experienced loss due to miscarriage & feel like you're carrying a heavy weight that no one knows about, please find someone to help you carry your burden to the feet of Jesus. Ask my husband or me about our story. And if you've experienced a miscarriage after already having a child, please don't let your loss make you bitter, but instead allow it to make you a better parent to the one who needs you at this very moment. His grace is sufficient.
P.S. To those who have known, we can't say enough how much we've appreciated your prayers, calls, texts, cards, flowers, etc. Marcus, Camilla, and I are so very blessed.